Movies: A Homeschooling Resource!

As a homeschooling parent, I know how challenging it can be to keep our children engaged and interested in their studies. That’s why I’m excited to share with you one of my favorite resources for teaching: movies!

Yes, you heard me right. Movies can be a valuable tool for homeschooling parents to teach a variety of subjects, from history and science to literature and the arts. Not only do movies provide an entertaining way to learn, but they also offer a unique opportunity for children to connect with the power of storytelling.

Websites like offer extensive indexes and learning guides to help parents create lesson plans based on movies. As a homeschooling parent, I’ve found that using movies as a teaching resource can be an effective way to supplement our lessons and engage our children in a way that traditional textbooks cannot.

So, let’s dive in and explore the benefits of using movies for homeschooling!

Key Takeaways

  • Movies can be used as a teaching tool for major events in history, principles of science, and works of art.
  • There are hundreds of valuable films that can supplement homeschooling lessons, including documentaries and adaptations of literary works.
  • is a helpful resource for homeschoolers and teachers, providing indexes and learning guides for films.
  • Script writers and directors in the movie industry can be harnessed by homeschooling parents to inspire and engage their children.

Using Movies for Teaching

So, how can I use movies to teach my children?

Well, as a homeschooling parent, I can use movies as an alternative resource to teach major events of U.S. and Western history, principles of science, great works of music, dance, drama, literature, and the visual arts. With hundreds of age-appropriate selections available, I can supplement history lessons and even use documentaries as an excellent resource for many subjects.

Movies can also be used to teach literary devices such as symbols, antagonist/protagonist, foreshadowing, flashback, and irony. They can help organize complex works that are at the top of a student’s reading level and can even be used as a reward after the book has been read.

With websites like, I can access extensive indexes listing more than 270 films by subject matter and appropriate age, and for a small fee, I can access Learning Guides designed to help me use the movies as a teaching vehicle.

By harnessing the storytelling power of movies, I can inspire and engage my children in their learning journey.

Benefits of Movie-Based Learning

I find it beneficial to incorporate film-based learning into my teaching methods as it allows for a fun and engaging way for students to learn about various topics. By screening relevant movies, I’m able to capture my students’ attention and keep them engaged throughout the lesson.

Moreover, movies provide a dynamic and interactive way for students to learn, especially for those who may find traditional teaching methods boring or unengaging. Incorporating technology, such as movies, into the classroom has been proven to enhance student comprehension and retention of knowledge.

Furthermore, movies are able to create an emotional connection with students, which can help them understand complex topics on a deeper level. As a homeschooling parent, I’ve found that using movies as a teaching tool has been extremely effective in helping my children understand and retain information.

Overall, incorporating movie-based learning into my teaching methods has been a valuable and effective way to engage my students and enhance their learning experience.

Can Movies Be Used as a Resource for Unschooling?

Movies can indeed be used as a resource for unschooling, allowing you to unleash your child’s potential. By selecting educational films, you can provoke critical thinking, spark curiosity, and create valuable learning experiences. Movies engage children in different subjects, cultures, and perspectives, fostering their creativity and expanding their knowledge beyond traditional classroom settings.

Examples of Movie-Based Lessons

Exploring the use of films in teaching, I’ve found that using The Lion King to teach Shakespeare’s Hamlet can be a great way to introduce students to the themes and characters of the play in a fun and engaging way.

The Lion King is a classic Disney movie that is loved by children of all ages. By using this movie as a teaching tool, students can learn about the plot, characters, and themes of Hamlet in a way that is age-appropriate and enjoyable.

To make the most of this movie-based lesson, I suggest incorporating creative assignments that encourage students to think critically about the material. For example, students could be asked to write a compare and contrast essay between The Lion King and Hamlet, or to create a storyboard that illustrates the similarities and differences between the two stories.

By using these types of assignments, students can develop a deeper understanding of the material and engage with it in a way that is both fun and educational.