Homeschool Park Days: Where Friends Meet!


Homeschool park days are a low-risk opportunity to meet homeschooling families and potential friends.
Look for homeschool park days on local Facebook groups, social media, Meetup lists, library bulletin boards, and state and local homeschool websites.
Park days can have a different flavor depending on the group or person who has organized them, so try attending different park days to find the right fit.
If your community does not have a park day that meets your needs, organize one yourself with a low barrier to participate and organize.

Hey there fellow homeschoolers! Are you feeling a little isolated and lonely on this journey? Do you wish there was a way to connect with other families who are also homeschooling? Well, I have some great news for you: homeschool park days are the perfect solution! These gatherings are designed to bring together families from all walks of life who have one thing in common: their choice to homeschool their children. Attending a homeschool park day is a wonderful way to connect with like-minded families, share experiences and advice, and provide support for one another. It’s a low-pressure, low-risk environment where parents and children can come together and simply enjoy each other’s company. The good part is if there is no park day, you can also organize your own and connect to the other families in your area. So, let’s dive in and explore how to find, attend, and even organize your own homeschool park day!

Finding Park Days

I can easily find homeschool park days by checking local Facebook groups, library bulletin boards, and state and local homeschool websites. These resources are incredibly helpful for connecting with other homeschooling families in my community. I’ve found that park days are a great way to meet new people, and it’s important to be open to different types of homeschool groups. When I first started looking for park days, I was a little overwhelmed by the variety of groups out there. Some are more structured than others, and some focus on specific educational approaches or religious affiliations. However, I’ve learned that networking is key to finding the right fit for my family. By talking to other homeschoolers and attending different park days, I’ve been able to discover the groups that align with our values and goals. Whether it’s a co-op or a more casual gathering, there are plenty of options out there for making connections with like-minded families.

Attending Park Days

Attending regularly can increase the chances of finding like-minded families and building a supportive community. It may take a few visits to find your groove and connect with other homeschoolers who share your values and interests, but don’t give up! Here are some tips on how to make connections and get the most out of your park day experience:
  • Bring a picnic blanket or folding chairs and set up a comfortable spot to relax and chat with other families.
  • Bring a cooler filled with snacks and drinks to share with others.
  • Bring some toys or games to entertain your kids and encourage them to interact with other children.
  • Strike up conversations with other parents and ask them about their homeschooling journey and what they enjoy about park days.
  • Be open-minded and respectful of different approaches to homeschooling and parenting.
By attending park days with an open heart and a willingness to connect with others, you can build meaningful friendships and support systems that will enrich your homeschooling experience. So pack up your sunscreen, bug spray, and a positive attitude, and head out to your local park for some fun and fellowship!

What Are the Benefits of Homeschool Park Days for Middle Schoolers?

Middle school homeschooling magic can truly come alive during homeschool park days. These valuable gatherings provide numerous benefits to middle schoolers. They offer a chance to socialize, make friends, and engage in physical activities, fostering their emotional well-being. These park days also enable students to learn from each other’s experiences and explore diverse perspectives, enhancing their educational journey. In addition, participating in group activities promotes teamwork and collaboration skills, preparing them for future endeavors.

Organizing Your Own

Organizing your own regular get-together is like planting a seed in your community garden – it takes time, effort, and patience, but with nurturing and care, it can blossom into a beautiful and bountiful source of connection and support for all involved. When planning logistics for your own park day, it’s important to consider the needs and schedules of your potential attendees. Choose a day and time that work for most families and a location that is easily accessible for all. You may also want to consider setting up a system for sharing snacks or drinks or planning a potluck-style meal. Promoting your event is also key to its success. Social media is a great tool for reaching out to potential attendees, as well as local homeschooling groups and co-ops. You can also post flyers at local community centers, libraries, and coffee shops. When promoting your event, be sure to emphasize the benefits of attending – a chance to meet other homeschooling families, a fun and low-pressure environment for kids to play and socialize, and the opportunity to build a supportive community. With a little planning and promotion, your park day can become a beloved tradition for homeschooling families in your area.